Saturday, April 26, 2008

Spring Fly-In 2008

The York County Flyer's Club had their Spring Fly-In in York, SC today. Krystal came to visit with us and help watch Anthony. Heather went to a Ladies Luncheon at the West End Baptist Church and won the table arrangement. Daddy's little wingman, as Anthony's shirt indicates, is growing up fast!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Anthony - Sixteen Wks & Brooke's 1st Birthday

Anthony turned 16 weeks Saturday, as we celebrated Brooke's first birthday.
Brooke turned 1 year old on Friday, April 17. We had fun at the tea party!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Anthony - Fourteen Weeks

We have made it fourteen weeks!

Anthony is sleeping 6-7 hours at night now and taking naps during the day so life is beginning to take on a better routine for us all. There is hope for new will get better with sleep! Anthony is a very happy boy. He brings much joy to his family! Anthony loves is monkey "Jo Jo".