Saturday, June 28, 2008

Runs In The Family

The RCA (Radio Controlled Airplane) craze runs in the family. Eric now has an Extra 260 RC airplane! Oh yeah...Thomas really needed another RC airplane so he is holding his new Extra Stiffy plane. Yes, that is really the airplane's brand name for it's stiff frame. Fly on!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

We celebrated Father's Day in Kersaw, SC at an IMAC (International Miniature Airplane Club) event. Thomas competed in the sportsman's category and also was a judge for the basic flying group.

Anthony kept his own score card and said his Daddy was # 1. Thomas got a t-shirt from Anthony that said "Fatherhood: The toughest job you'll ever love" and an airplane money clip. Anthony made a special card with his foot and hand prints. Eric came to visit and brought a card and Chili's gift card that we enjoyed that night! Eric flew his airplane the strong winds and landed with success!

Father's Day was a great day spent with Thomas' two favorite things, his family and airplanes!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Summer Time Fun!

It has been so HOT (upper 90's/low 100's) here in SC that is impossible to enjoy time outside. So we haven't ventured out to get Anthony a wading pool but he did like his water mat to play with inside. He tried to lick up the water to taste it.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

In Full Bloom!

The lilies at the house are in full bloom and so beautiful.

The flowers aren't the only ones in full bloom....little Anthony, now five and a half months old, has been growing right out of his baby bed. We had a small baby bed downstairs that Anthony now can barely fit in. We removed the bed this past week and gave him the whole floor as his new domain.