Visit with the Harris' Family in TN
(Sorry no pictures of Mike...He was in bed when we arrived and gone to work when we got up! Hope to see you next time, Mike!)
We thought Hunter and Anthony would like to play in the bathtub. Bath time turned everyone to tears but at least they smelled good! Anthony was in a much better mood after his nap! Cheerio was probably thinking, "We all need a nap after that bath!"
Anthony loved playing with his cousins, Hunter and Madison. He wasn't too happy about Cheerio trying to give him a high five but they made up soon after. Thanks Kim and Mike for letting us visit!
We enjoyed the beautiful TN mountains on the way home. Our new business truck bought from Penske....movin' on up! Big time!It was a long trip and Anthony fell asleep once the sun set.
Sweet dreams....we'll be home soon.