Monday, August 25, 2008

Eight Months - What's New With Anthony?

Anthony turns 8 months old this Friday. New developments seem to appear every day. He is growing so big. We use to be able to hold him the palm of our hands and now it takes two arms and a strong back! Anthony still likes to play with his basket of toys on the floor. He picks through them and throws out the ones he is bored with, which usually ends up being all of them!

The funnest discovery has been shoes! We let Anthony go barefooted since he was born. He doesn't know what shoes are and doesn't really like them. At first he thought they were foot toys and then became annoyed with them when they wouldn't just pull off.

Anthony's hair is growing straight up on the top...cute mohawk!

READY, SET, GO....Anthony is holding himself up well but not crawling yet. He either moves his legs or his arms, but not at the same time. When he figures out how to move his arms and legs together, he'll be off and crawling. Right now he just rolls to whatever catches his attention.

New skill....clapping his hands! The video is sideways because we thought we could rotate the camera image on the computer and videos cannot be rotated with our software....sorry. If you turn your head, it will appear right side up (click on the play arrow button to view). You may want to mute the volume! Anthony only claps his hands when Mommy sings and Mommy makes more of a joyful noise than being in tune!

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