Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday, Anthony!

Anthony celebrated his 1st birthday on Monday, December 29, 2008 with lots of food, friends, fireworks and fun! We started off celebrating the day at the moment Anthony was born, 2:44 PM, with a candle on a single cupcake and a birthday song. Anthony said, "Yummmm!" as he ate it! Nana Midge came over to help us get ready for the birthday celebration.
Anthony invited some of his friends from church to his party that began at 6 PM. We all had fun opening airplane, clothes, Elmo toys, and cards! His Momma and DaDa got him a Smart Bounce and Spin Pony that has three different stages for growth and interacts with the TV, some blocks, and a new plate set to use when he begins feeding himself. All his guests had gift bags made for them. The wrapping paper and bows were the biggest hit with the children while opening the presents.

Bowls of dried bananas and strawberries, cinnamon graham cracker sticks, goldfish crackers, Cheerios, and whole wheat crackers lined the children's table, along with cupcakes and ice cream birthday cake! The parents had their own table of snacks with pizza bites, BBQ smokies, meatballs, salsa and chips, nuts, cheese/tomato cracker tray, and some great cheese/meat/salsa dip.

After opening presents and eating birthday snacks, we all went outside for a firework celebration! All the children loved the fireworks, except Anthony! He wasn't too sure about the "screaming" fireworks that made such a loud noise. It was a great way to end the party with a bang!

Thank you so much to our family and friends who have celebrated with us this entire year! We're well on our way now to the Terrific Twos!

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