Saturday, June 6, 2009

Yard Sale

We had our first yard sale in an attempt to sell our possessions to prepare for the ministry. We worked all night to prepare tables.

When daylight came the people started rolling in and we still had a box truck full of things, boxes sitting in every walkway, the tables packed, a flatbed trailer loaded, and a van still full to the windows. The box truck was so heavy it sunk in the ground and Dad had to help pull it out with a chain attached to his truck.

The ladies that came to buy things were more than willing to unpack all the boxes, excited about the nice things for sale. The problem with their eagerness was the boxes were literally our moving boxes from our home, straight out of storage, and we still had pictures and personal items in the box that would not have been for sale. People were on cell phones calling others to hurry and get to the yard sale! We soon were overloaded with people and just had to give up trying to keep much of anything that was left in the moving boxes.

In the end, it worked out really well. We sold the Ford F250 truck and the Southwind Fleetwood RV. As much as we sold, and we sold a lot, we still had a truck load of things left when we were done.

We have given away and donated many items to local charities and will have one last yard sale on Labor Day weekend. Pray for us that we will survive the yard sale to come! We thought we were one foot in the grave when this day ended. "We can do all things through Christ that gives us strength!" - Philippians 4:13....We did, with Christ, and made it! Hallelujah!

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